Thank you for your interest to provide “seed” funding to launch this initial “season” of “The Fifth Gospel: Sacred Story, Sacred Land.”
All gifts, of any amount, are warmly welcomed with much thanksgiving!
Select the button below,
You will be taken to the donation page with
Anglican Church of Canada.
This project has been endorsed by the
Department of Global Relations of the
General Synod.
Tax Receipt: You will
receive a note of thanks and a tax receipt
within minutes of making a

The Budget for this first series, presenting seven locations significant to Jesus’ early life and ministry, is $139,000.
Consider Funding a Location: A person, couple, or group of people, may choose to ‘sponsor’ one of the locations of their choice, at a cost of $16,000. As with PBS, the video for that location could begin with a dedication, “This episode is made possible by the generous gift of Betty Smith in loving memory of ..” The donation could be spread between two years.
Register for regular updates on the project here.